Saturday, December 30, 2006
This incident by Mother Nature has proved how vulnerable the virtual world is. It has caused millions of dollars to be lost during this short period of time. I was badly affected when I could not retrieve my email which contained important information which I needed badly....I was also unable to get online to post on my blogs too, damn irritating!! Luckily the internet is recovering very well or else my hair will be gone soon!!! Its one day before the New Year knocks on our door, what's your new year resolution? Any wish?
Monday, December 25, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
A Poem to Share
Start Again! When you've trusted God and walked his way, When you've made your plans and they've gone awry, When you've failed your kids and they're grown and gone, When you've prayed to God so you'll know his will, When you think you're finished and want to quit, When the year has been long and successes are few, Whenever things go wrong…..... offer a prayer to God.....and. .... START AGAIN!
When you've felt his hand lead you day by day,
But your steps now take you another way.....
Start Again!
When you've tried your best and there's no more try,
When you've failed yourself and you don't know why......
Start Again!
When you've done your best but it's turned out wrong,
And now your grandchildren have come along......
Start Again!
When you've prayed and prayed and you don't know still,
When you want to stop cause you've had your fill......
Start Again!
When you've bottomed out in life's deepest pit,
When you've tried and tried to get out of it.....
Start Again!
When December comes and you are feeling blue,
God gives a 'January' just for you....
Start Again!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
6 Golden Rules for Packing Muscles
2. Don't do more than 30 all-out work sets at any workout, and less is usually better. Overtraining is the number one reason most bodybuilders can't pack on muscle weight.
3. Don't train more than two days in a row. Your muscles aren't the only things that have to recover after a heavy workout; your entire nervous system needs a rest too. It's good to workout on alternate days.
4. Have a protein drink immediately after every traning session. Research indicates that boosting insulin levels right after an intense workout promotes muscle protein synthesis, which leads to faster growth. I always love to have a good shake of my favourite Weider's Giant Mass Gainer, it just feels so good to have a tasty drink after a good workout.
5. Take a break after four to six weeks of high intensity training. Either take a full week off or downshift your intensity for two weeks. This lets you recuperate fully and in many cases promotes a new growth spurt.
6. Keep your cruise control on. Try to keep your cool during the day no matter what. Getting overly excited can stress you out and cause excessive energy burn, energy your body could be using to fuel extraordinary muscle growth.
*These rules were featured in Ironman Magazine, December 1995 issue*
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Why Bodybuild? Part 3
Respect is a big thing in my book. I notice that people in this world who have a more muscular build and larger frame are respected more than those who do not. I believe this respect comes out of knowledge of the hard work these people have to put in to achieve the muscle and strength.
This is an aspect that is not often thought of when bodybuilding is the topic. Think about it, you are involved in something that until a few decades ago was a completely underground sport. Those involved had to be close friends.
This has carried on to today's scene. How many of your friends have you made through the gym or events? I am willing to bet that any place I go will have bodybuilders, and I would be able to immediately find common ground with them on the subject.
I've made quite a number of friends in gym or other sporting events relating to bodybuilding too...I've also met people who come up to me and ask me about bodybuilding as well..!!! Its great to enjoy a sport, benefit tremendously on it and make some new friends too!!!
In conclusion, the factors listed in the past 2 days have really spurred me on to step foot into the amazing world of bodybuilding and never will I leave this sport even when i'm old, I Promise!!!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Why Bodybuild? Part 2
Influence (Being a role model)
One of the greatest joys in life is to help other people. A bodybuilder is in the perfect position to advise other people on making lifestyle changes. Perhaps the greatest positive aspect of bodybuilding is that the hard work that leads to a pleasant external appearance can inspire others. The physique of a bodybuilder is meant to demonstrate to people that where there is a will there is a way, and that if they see it they can achieve it.
Improved Health
Who would thought that a line of benefits would follow when you look better or become stronger? A good Diet, supplementation rountine and increased activity are some of the reasons that make most bodybuilders healthier than an average person.
Increased Metabolic Rate
The increase metobolic rate in your body will result in perspiring more easily and making you feel hungry often too. But how does burning calories while you sleep sound? It is true!! Increase metabolism increases the energy expenditure in the body and results in burning calories and promotes long term fat loss, producing a leaner physique in the long term too!!!
All factors sound cool isn't it??
Do remember to come back for more in Part 3 tomorrow!!!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Why Bodybuild? Part 1
1. Discipline
A successful bodybuilder must learn to oragnise their life in a way that maximally encourages progression in their physique. From the food they eat to their daily activities and workouts can be planned ahead of time. Strictly adhering to the plan is what allows them to eventually reach their goal.
The ability to regulate oneself for the sake of improvement is what's known as self-discipline. Because bodybuilding is a sport centered on making improvements, it's natural that it takes great self-control. Since discipline is not an innate characteristic, bodybuilding helps people to develop this trait like any other skill.
What makes this so good is that discipline applies to many areas of life outside of bodybuilding. Besides diet and training, other areas that require strict enforcement of behavior include education and careers. Bodybuilding provides the experience necessary to guide oneself to goals in many other domains.
2. Focus
Concentration and dedication are necessary to accomplish both the short term and long term goals associated with bodybuilding. An acute attention is necessary in order to accomplish short term goals like strictly eating only planned portions of food for a meal or having an intense, limit-pushing workout.
However, the human body is not so sensitive and receptive to immediate stimulus. It takes a long time for a body to adapt. By having the determination to consistently provoke such changes, the long term desire to improve a physique becomes possible. Developing the ability to focus on both short-term and long-term in the bodybuilding arena makes it much easier to similarly concentrate and succeed in other environments, such as in school or on the job.
Stay Tune for Part 2 tomorrow.....
*Coutesy of*
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Good Morning!!!
It has been a great sleep isn't it? But do you know what is actually going on in your body while you sleep? This is something I will share with you at a later stage....
First thing first, stop for a minute! Look in the mirror! (Preferably a full body mirror so that you can see yourself from head to toe) Ask yourself these very simple questions: Am I satisfied and happy with the way my body looks? Where and which part of my body I am most happy with and which part I'm most sadden with? Do I want to make a change? If Yes!, what is the first step? If no, why not?
Keep these questions in mind and we shall discuss more about it!!
My 1st Post!!!
A hearty Welcome to my very new blog, all about building and packing good muscle for teens like you and me!!! I'm all excited about this as this is my first time sharing my experiences, stories and my secrets to building a body that I've always dream of and proud of today!!!
Do stay tune for more updates and do explore my little blog!!!