Respect is a big thing in my book. I notice that people in this world who have a more muscular build and larger frame are respected more than those who do not. I believe this respect comes out of knowledge of the hard work these people have to put in to achieve the muscle and strength.
This is an aspect that is not often thought of when bodybuilding is the topic. Think about it, you are involved in something that until a few decades ago was a completely underground sport. Those involved had to be close friends.
This has carried on to today's scene. How many of your friends have you made through the gym or events? I am willing to bet that any place I go will have bodybuilders, and I would be able to immediately find common ground with them on the subject.
I've made quite a number of friends in gym or other sporting events relating to bodybuilding too...I've also met people who come up to me and ask me about bodybuilding as well..!!! Its great to enjoy a sport, benefit tremendously on it and make some new friends too!!!
In conclusion, the factors listed in the past 2 days have really spurred me on to step foot into the amazing world of bodybuilding and never will I leave this sport even when i'm old, I Promise!!!
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